Thursday, November 13, 2008

I have a secret

I have been going to the gym Monday through Friday for 4 weeks now, and guess what? I love it!!! Perhaps it is because I love structure and routine. So once I decided that I would go immediately after taking the kids to the bus stop, that is what I have done. I live by the clock. I don't like to be late and get anxious if things aren't done at their usual time. So fitting the gym into a schedule works perfectly for me. I enjoy having a little time to myself, albeit only an hour to an hour and a half, but it is MY time. Sometimes dropping off Max is hard if he cried, but here he is when I tried to sneak a pic of him. He is just fine so I don't let that deter me at all.

And I am seeing results to boot. Small results, but results nonethless. No one else can probably even tell, but I see myself in the mirror before I shower and I am seeing the fruits of my labor which makes it even easier to keep going. So don't tell anyone my secret because the gym should be NO fun, but I look forward to it each day. A little time for me. I hope this doesn't count as selfishness.


CamKamFam said...

fruits of my labor! lol. I'm sure you do see the fruits of your labor whe you look in the mirror. girl you know i do! dang kids

Julie said...

Yay for you! I need to take some of your enthusiasm and try to trick myself into believing the same thing!

Amy said...

I'm so excited for you! Every mom deserves and needs MY time. What a productive way to get it.

Love the new house. Your neighborhood looks like it will be great for the family. I love how the park is right there, maybe you won't have to put a swingset in the back yard. Keep us posted on the inside. can't wait,