Thursday, May 29, 2008

Here a Google, There a Google , EVERYWHERE there is Google

My friend Heather's blog led me to the Google reader where you can set up all the blogs you look at daily to see if there are new posts. Being the mom I am, time is limited, so Google Reader saves me a bunch of time! I no longer have to go into each persons blog page. With Google Reader I just look at my list of blogs and it tells me who has a new post. Then if I want to comment I can go into that specific blog. I haven't learned if there is anything else to do on there, you know since I don't have time to dink around, but just reading works for me. I also don't get to see everyone's pretty backgrounds when reading, but I am saving time, so at least I get to READ the blog in a timely fashion (aka not a week or 2 later when I finally get time to check it). You should try it out. Then all us moms will have time to save the world, or at least have our houses clean, that's a step toward world peace right?


CamKamFam said...

April, my love.
You will have to show me how that all works when I get back. I will miss you- try not to have too much fun without me! I will miss you!
Love ya,

Amanda-The Family News! said...

oh my - this sounds like THE greatest!!! (saw your post on New Mommy Rant)....